by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Jun 16, 2024 | Best, Blog, for Your Home, Get, How, Price
If you want to get the best price for your house, you need to have a strategy in place. There are things that you should know – such as not listing the price too high or too low. If you have a real estate agent, then he’ll already know the strategy to use for... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Jun 5, 2024 | Avoid, Blog, How, Pitfalls
The last experience that anyone wants to add to their list is being involved in a real estate deal and having everything go wrong. It is hard enough to simply find a place to move and to have everything from the contract to the loan be put in place... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | May 31, 2024 | Blog, Home, How, More, Sell
A home is the single largest investment that most people make. When you decide to sell your home, you will likely want to get the highest possible price for it. Getting your house in the best possible shape before putting it on the market will increase... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | May 17, 2024 | Best, Blog, Buy, How, Know, Rent, What
There are many reasons why you may have decided to purchase a home – a growing family that needs more space, you’re tired of paying rent and want to invest your money and you’d like to get the tax breaks that homeowner’s enjoy. Those are just a few.Don’t simply... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | May 16, 2024 | Blog, Buying, Choose, Home, How, Mortgage, Option, Right
Home mortgages are a part of buying a home and they can be the most confusing and stressful aspect of buying a home. What option is right for you? Which one meets your budget and your long term needs? Which one will you qualify for?Let’s take a look at your... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Apr 25, 2024 | Blog, Determine, Home, How, Price, Selling
First-time home sellers often have a lot to learn when putting their homes on the market. Unless they have been previously involved in real estate in a different capacity, they are entering uncharted territory. Setting a selling price is often one of the...