by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Jun 25, 2024 | Blog, Determining, Features, Have, Home, Must, New
Before you purchase a home – whether new or old – you should have a checklist of must-have features. You probably won’t get all of the features you want, but you can prioritize them into features you can’t live without and those you can compromise on.When your agent... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Jun 19, 2024 | Blog, Buyers, Home, Know, Topics, Want
Anyone in the real estate business knows that potential buyers usually ask a lot of questions. A real estate agent will tell you that you’re going to be asked questions about your home and the shape that it’s in for starters. But there are other questions buyers want... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Jun 18, 2024 | Blog, First, Home, How, Lender, Pick, Refinancing
Your lender is one person that can make or break you with finances towards your home. Before you become involved with anyone that will involve your money, you need to make sure that they are going to offer you the best. Once you know some basic concepts,... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Jun 12, 2024 | Before, Blog, Buying, Home, Inspection, Request, Should, Why
So you’ve found your dream house. You’re ready to make an offer, negotiate a little if necessary, then close the deal and move in. But what if there are problems with the home that you are unaware of?A home inspection can alert you to trouble... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Jun 7, 2024 | Best, Blog, Get, Home, Negotiate, Price, Tactics
Selling a home doesn’t have to be a difficult situation. If you have a real estate agent, she’ll handle all the negotiating tactics and act as a buffer between seller and buyer. However, you can successfully negotiate the sale of your own home by knowing a few tips... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | May 31, 2024 | Blog, Home, How, More, Sell
A home is the single largest investment that most people make. When you decide to sell your home, you will likely want to get the highest possible price for it. Getting your house in the best possible shape before putting it on the market will increase...