by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Oct 28, 2024 | Blog, Interest, Loan, Only
You have finally found the property of your dreams. The contract has been signed and you are now in the process of finding exactly how you will be living and paying off the property for the next few years. Your lender may have already contacted you and... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Oct 28, 2024 | Auction, Blog, Guide, Property, Quick, Start
Property auctions can be a great place to find fantastic real estate bargains. However, working a property auction requires a few extra skills and knowledge. Here is a quick start guide to help you navigate your first property auction.What is a property auction?A... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Oct 28, 2024 | Blog, Hire, Home, Myself, Realtor, Sell
Real estate is big business. Real estate agents make a living, and quite often a good one, by helping people buy and sell homes. But some people choose to cut out the middleman and sell their own homes. There are arguments for and against both... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Oct 28, 2024 | Blog, Home, House, Make, New
The process of looking for a new home for yourself and/or your family is sometimes excruciatingly emotional – and always tiring. After you sign on the dotted line and the house is yours, it’s time to be happy and feel settled, even if there are still boxes stacked to... by San Vicente Palawan Properties for Sale | Oct 28, 2024 | Blog, Endless, Go, Possibilities, What, Wrong
The home-buying process is exciting, exhilarating, extremely tiring and probably one of the most overwhelming tasks you’ve ever attempted. There could be hundreds of little things (and some big ones) that can go wrong and put your emotions in a tailspin.The searching...